CLI implementation & linting
All checks were successful
Test Workflow / Lint and test library (pull_request) Successful in 8m18s

This commit is contained in:
Gleb Koval 2023-12-29 23:33:00 +06:00
parent 36728fa1e9
commit 0e41b2ab8a
Signed by: cyclane
GPG Key ID: 15E168A8B332382C
16 changed files with 563 additions and 229 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
insert_final_newline = false
max_line_length = 120
tab_width = 4
indent_size = 2
ij_kotlin_packages_to_use_import_on_demand = org.junit.jupiter.api,,kotlinx.coroutines,,ziputils

.idea/uiDesigner.xml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
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View File

@ -6,6 +6,64 @@ an AWS S3 bucket.
This tool is released as a JAR in the [release page](
Use `java -jar <backup-jar-name>.jar --help` for more detailed usage instructions.
### --help
Usage: s3backup-tool [<options>] <command> [<args>]...
A simple AWS S3 backup tool. This tool assumes credentials are properly configured using aws-cli.
-h, --help Show this message and exit
create Create a backup of a file or directory.
restore Restore a backup from AWS S3.
restore-file Restore a single file from a backup from AWS S3.
#### Subcommands
Usage: s3backup-tool create [<options>] <source> <bucket>
Create a backup of a file or directory.
-h, --help Show this message and exit
<source> File or directory to backup
<bucket> Name of S3 bucket to backup to
Usage: s3backup-tool restore [<options>] <bucket> <backupkey> <destination>
Restore a backup from AWS S3.
-h, --help Show this message and exit
<bucket> Name of S3 bucket to restore the backup from
<backupkey> The S3 key of the backup to restore
<destination> Directory to restore to
Usage: s3backup-tool restore-file [<options>] <bucket> <backupkey> <filepath> <destination>
Restore a single file from a backup from AWS S3.
-h, --help Show this message and exit
<bucket> Name of S3 bucket to restore the backup from
<backupkey> The S3 key of the backup to restore
<filepath> File path within the backup
<destination> Directory to restore to
## Assumptions
1. This test task is not interested in re-implementations of common libraries (AWS SDK, Clikt, Gradle Shadow, ...)
2. The last part (restoration of a single file) should be optimised so that only the part of the blob required for this

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.21"
id("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") version "12.0.3"
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "8.1.1"
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ dependencies {
@ -25,8 +26,6 @@ tasks.test {
kotlin {
tasks.jar {
manifest {
attributes("Main-Class" to "backup.MainKt")
application {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
plugins {
id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version "0.5.0"
} = "teamcity-executors-test-task" = "teamcity-executors-test-task"

src/main/kotlin/Main.kt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import backup.BackupClient
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.subcommands
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.argument
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.file
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
fun main(args: Array<String>) =
runBlocking {
S3Client.fromEnvironment().use { s3 ->
class S3BackupTool : CliktCommand(
help = "A simple AWS S3 backup tool. This tool assumes credentials are properly configured using aws-cli.",
) {
override fun run() {
class Create(val s3: S3Client) : CliktCommand(
help = "Create a backup of a file or directory.",
) {
val source by argument().file(mustExist = true).help("File or directory to backup")
val bucket by argument().help("Name of S3 bucket to backup to")
override fun run() =
runBlocking {
val backupKey = BackupClient(s3, bucket).upload(source)
echo("Successfully created backup with key '$backupKey'")
class Restore(val s3: S3Client) : CliktCommand(
help = "Restore a backup from AWS S3.",
) {
val bucket by argument().help("Name of S3 bucket to restore the backup from")
val backupKey by argument().help("The S3 key of the backup to restore")
val destination by argument().file(mustExist = true).help("Directory to restore to")
override fun run() =
runBlocking {
if (!destination.isDirectory) {
echo("Destination must be an existing directory", err = true)
BackupClient(s3, bucket).restore(destination.toPath(), backupKey)
echo("Successfully restored backup '$backupKey' to '$destination'")
class RestoreFile(val s3: S3Client) : CliktCommand(
help = "Restore a single file from a backup from AWS S3.",
) {
val bucket by argument().help("Name of S3 bucket to restore the backup from")
val backupKey by argument().help("The S3 key of the backup to restore")
val filePath by argument().help("File path within the backup")
val destination by argument().file(mustExist = true).help("Directory to restore to")
override fun run() =
runBlocking {
if (!destination.isDirectory) {
echo("Destination must be an existing directory", err = true)
BackupClient(s3, bucket).restoreFile(destination.toPath(), backupKey, filePath)
echo("Successfully restored '$filePath' from backup '$backupKey' to '$destination'")

View File

@ -30,89 +30,98 @@ import
class BackupClient(
private val s3: S3Client,
private val bucketName: String,
private val bufSize: Int = 1024 * 1024 * 100
private val bufSize: Int = 1024 * 1024 * 32,
) {
* Upload a file/directory backup to AWS S3.
* @param file The File object for the file or directory.
suspend fun upload(file: File) = coroutineScope {
val backupKey = "${}/${}.zip"
PipedInputStream().use { inputStream ->
val outputStream = PipedOutputStream(inputStream)
val zipper = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
suspend fun upload(file: File) =
coroutineScope {
val backupKey = "${}/${}.zip"
PipedInputStream().use { inputStream ->
val outputStream = PipedOutputStream(inputStream)
val zipper =
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val data = ByteArray(bufSize)
val initialRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize)
if (initialRead == bufSize) {
// Large upload, use multipart
// TODO: multipart uploads can be asynchronous, which would improve
// performance a little bit for big uploads.
val upload = s3.createMultipartUpload {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
try {
val uploadParts = mutableListOf<CompletedPart>()
var number = 1
var bytesRead = initialRead
while (bytesRead > 0) {
val part = s3.uploadPart {
val data = ByteArray(bufSize)
val initialRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize)
if (initialRead == bufSize) {
// Large upload, use multipart
// TODO: multipart uploads can be asynchronous, which would improve
// performance a little bit for big uploads.
val upload =
s3.createMultipartUpload {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
partNumber = number
uploadId = upload.uploadId
body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(bytesRead))
bytesRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize)
s3.completeMultipartUpload {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
uploadId = upload.uploadId
multipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload {
parts = uploadParts
try {
val uploadParts = mutableListOf<CompletedPart>()
var number = 1
var bytesRead = initialRead
while (bytesRead > 0) {
val part =
s3.uploadPart {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
partNumber = number
uploadId = upload.uploadId
body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(bytesRead))
bytesRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize)
s3.completeMultipartUpload {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
uploadId = upload.uploadId
multipartUpload =
CompletedMultipartUpload {
parts = uploadParts
} catch (e: Exception) {
s3.abortMultipartUpload {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
uploadId = upload.uploadId
throw e
} catch (e: Exception) {
s3.abortMultipartUpload {
} else {
// Small upload, use single request
s3.putObject {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
uploadId = upload.uploadId
body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(initialRead))
throw e
} else {
// Small upload, use single request
s3.putObject {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(initialRead))
zipper.join() // Should be instant
zipper.join() // Should be instant
* Restore a backup from AWS S3.
* @param destination The destination directory path for the backup contents.
* @param backupKey The S3 key of the backup.
suspend fun restore(destination: Path, backupKey: String) = coroutineScope {
val req = GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
suspend fun restore(
destination: Path,
backupKey: String,
) = coroutineScope {
val req =
GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
s3.getObject(req) { resp ->
?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body"),
).use { zipStream ->
zipStream.decompress { destination.resolve(it) }
@ -125,81 +134,99 @@ class BackupClient(
* @param backupKey The S3 key of the backup.
* @param fileName The full name of the file to restore (including directories if it was under a subdirectory).
suspend fun restoreFile(destination: Path, backupKey: String, fileName: String) = coroutineScope {
suspend fun restoreFile(
destination: Path,
backupKey: String,
fileName: String,
) = coroutineScope {
// For byte ranges refer to
val eocdReq = GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
// Assumption: EOCD has an empty comment
// Assumption: Backups are at least 22 + 20 (= 42) bytes. Only COMPLETELY empty backups can be smaller,
// in which case this function would error anyway, so it should be fine to have this edge-case.
range = "bytes=-${EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord.SIZE + EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.SIZE}"
val eocdBytes = s3.getObject(eocdReq) { resp ->
val bytes = resp.body?.toByteArray() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
val eocd = EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord.fromByteArray(eocdBytes, EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.SIZE)
val eocd64 = if (eocd.eocd64Required()) {
val locator = EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.fromByteArray(eocdBytes, 0)
val eocd64Req = GetObjectRequest {
val eocdReq =
GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
range = "bytes=${locator.endOfCentralDirectory64Offset}-"
// Assumption: EOCD has an empty comment
// Assumption: Backups are at least 22 + 20 (= 42) bytes. Only COMPLETELY empty backups can be smaller,
// in which case this function would error anyway, so it should be fine to have this edge-case.
range = "bytes=-${EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord.SIZE + EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.SIZE}"
s3.getObject(eocd64Req) { resp ->
val eocdBytes =
s3.getObject(eocdReq) { resp ->
val bytes = resp.body?.toByteArray() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64.fromByteArray(bytes, 0)
} else null
val cenOffset = if (eocd.centralDirectoryOffset == 0xffffffffU && eocd64 != null) {
} else eocd.centralDirectoryOffset.toULong()
val censReq = GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
// We only know where to fetch until if we've also fetched EOCD64 (which isn't always the case).
// So just over-fetch a little bit, these headers aren't that big anyway.
range = "bytes=${cenOffset}-"
val cen = s3.getObject(censReq) { resp ->
val bytes = resp.body?.toByteArray() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
var p = 0
while (p < bytes.size) {
try {
val cen = CentralDirectoryFileHeader.fromByteArray(bytes, p)
p += cen.size
if (cen.fileName == fileName) return@getObject cen
} catch (_: InvalidSignatureException) {
return@getObject null
val eocd = EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord.fromByteArray(eocdBytes, EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.SIZE)
val eocd64 =
if (eocd.eocd64Required()) {
val locator = EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.fromByteArray(eocdBytes, 0)
val eocd64Req =
GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
range = "bytes=${locator.endOfCentralDirectory64Offset}-"
s3.getObject(eocd64Req) { resp ->
val bytes = resp.body?.toByteArray() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64.fromByteArray(bytes, 0)
} else {
} ?: throw FileNotFoundException("File '${fileName}' not found in backup")
val cenOffset =
if (eocd.centralDirectoryOffset == 0xffffffffU && eocd64 != null) {
} else {
val censReq =
GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
// We only know where to fetch until if we've also fetched EOCD64 (which isn't always the case).
// So just over-fetch a little bit, these headers aren't that big anyway.
range = "bytes=$cenOffset-"
val cen =
s3.getObject(censReq) { resp ->
val bytes = resp.body?.toByteArray() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
var p = 0
while (p < bytes.size) {
try {
val cen = CentralDirectoryFileHeader.fromByteArray(bytes, p)
p += cen.size
if (cen.fileName == fileName) return@getObject cen
} catch (_: InvalidDataException) {
return@getObject null
} ?: throw FileNotFoundException("File '$fileName' not found in backup")
val localHeaderOffset = cen.extraFieldRecords.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
if (it is Zip64ExtraFieldRecord && it.localHeaderOffset != null) it else null
}?.localHeaderOffset ?: cen.localHeaderOffset.toULong()
val compressedSize = cen.extraFieldRecords.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
if (it is Zip64ExtraFieldRecord && it.compressedSize != null) it else null
}?.compressedSize ?: cen.compressedSize.toULong()
val req = GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
range = "bytes=${localHeaderOffset}-${
// Add CEN min size (46 bytes) so that the next CEN / LOC header is seen by the ZipInputStream
// and so it can see the current entry has stopped.
// Note: yes ZipInputStream should know the exact content length from the LOC, but it was still sending
// EOF errors. Perhaps due to fetching multiples of a power of two, or something else. But this helps.
localHeaderOffset + cen.size.toULong() + compressedSize + CentralDirectoryFileHeader.SIZE.toULong()
val localHeaderOffset =
cen.extraFieldRecords.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
if (it is Zip64ExtraFieldRecord && it.localHeaderOffset != null) it else null
}?.localHeaderOffset ?: cen.localHeaderOffset.toULong()
val compressedSize =
cen.extraFieldRecords.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
if (it is Zip64ExtraFieldRecord && it.compressedSize != null) it else null
}?.compressedSize ?: cen.compressedSize.toULong()
val req =
GetObjectRequest {
bucket = bucketName
key = backupKey
range = "bytes=$localHeaderOffset-${
// Add CEN min size (46 bytes) so that the next CEN / LOC header is seen by the ZipInputStream
// and so it can see the current entry has stopped.
// Note: yes ZipInputStream should know the exact content length from the LOC, but it was still sending
// EOF errors. Perhaps due to fetching multiples of a power of two, or something else. But this helps.
localHeaderOffset + cen.size.toULong() + compressedSize + CentralDirectoryFileHeader.SIZE.toULong()
s3.getObject(req) { resp ->
?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")
?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body"),
).use { zipStream ->
zipStream.decompress { name -> destination.resolve(name.takeLastWhile { it != '/' }) }
zipStream.decompress(limit = 1) { name -> destination.resolve(name.takeLastWhile { it != '/' }) }
@ -228,35 +255,39 @@ private fun UploadPartResponse.toCompletedPart(number: Int): CompletedPart {
* @return A ByteArray of the first `n` items.
private fun ByteArray.take(n: Int) =
if (n == size) this // No copy
else asList().subList(0, n).toByteArray() // TODO: One copy (toByteArray()), not sure how to do 0 copies here
if (n == size) {
this // No copy
} else {
asList().subList(0, n).toByteArray() // TODO: One copy (toByteArray()), not sure how to do 0 copies here
* Compress a file or directory as a ZIP file to an `OutputStream`.
* @param outputStream The `OutputStream` to write the ZIP file contents to.
private fun File.compressToZip(outputStream: OutputStream) = ZipOutputStream(outputStream).use { zipStream ->
val parentDir = this.absoluteFile.parent + "/"
val fileQueue = ArrayDeque<File>()
fileQueue.forEach { subFile ->
val path = subFile.absolutePath.removePrefix(parentDir)
val subFiles = subFile.listFiles()
if (subFiles != null) { // Is a directory
val entry = ZipEntry("$path/")
setZipAttributes(entry, subFile.toPath())
} else { // Otherwise, treat it as a file
BufferedInputStream(subFile.inputStream()).use { origin ->
val entry = ZipEntry(path)
private fun File.compressToZip(outputStream: OutputStream) =
ZipOutputStream(outputStream).use { zipStream ->
val parentDir = this.canonicalFile.parent + "/"
val fileQueue = ArrayDeque<File>()
fileQueue.forEach { subFile ->
val path = subFile.canonicalPath.removePrefix(parentDir)
val subFiles = subFile.listFiles()
if (subFiles != null) { // Is a directory
val entry = ZipEntry("$path/")
setZipAttributes(entry, subFile.toPath())
} else { // Otherwise, treat it as a file
BufferedInputStream(subFile.inputStream()).use { origin ->
val entry = ZipEntry(path)
setZipAttributes(entry, subFile.toPath())
* Decompress `ZipInputStream` contents to specified destination paths.
@ -265,9 +296,11 @@ private fun File.compressToZip(outputStream: OutputStream) = ZipOutputStream(out
private fun ZipInputStream.decompress(
bufSize: Int = 1024 * 1024,
entryNameToPath: (String) -> Path
limit: Int? = null,
entryNameToPath: (String) -> Path,
) {
var entry = this.nextEntry
var count = 1
while (entry != null) {
val path = entryNameToPath(
if (entry.isDirectory) {
@ -283,6 +316,9 @@ private fun ZipInputStream.decompress(
applyZipAttributes(entry, path)
// This is here, not in while loop, since we do not want to read more from the input stream.
// But this.nextEntry will read from the input stream.
if (limit != null && count++ >= limit) return
entry = this.nextEntry
@ -292,7 +328,10 @@ private fun ZipInputStream.decompress(
* @param entry The `ZipEntry` to set attributes of.
* @param path The `Path` of the file to get the attributes from.
private fun setZipAttributes(entry: ZipEntry, path: Path) {
private fun setZipAttributes(
entry: ZipEntry,
path: Path,
) {
try {
val attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(path,
@ -307,7 +346,10 @@ private fun setZipAttributes(entry: ZipEntry, path: Path) {
* @param entry The `ZipEntry` to get the attributes from.
* @param path The `Path` of the file to set the attributes of.
private fun applyZipAttributes(entry: ZipEntry, path: Path) {
private fun applyZipAttributes(
entry: ZipEntry,
path: Path,
) {
try {
val attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(path,
attrs.setTimes(entry.lastModifiedTime, entry.lastAccessTime, entry.creationTime)

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package backup
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
fun main() = runBlocking {
S3Client.fromEnvironment().use { s3 ->
val backupClient = BackupClient(s3, "teamcity-executors-test-task", 1024 * 1024 * 10)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ internal class CentralDirectoryFileHeader(
val disk: UShort,
val localHeaderOffset: UInt,
val fileName: String,
val extraFieldRecords: List<ExtraFieldRecord>
val extraFieldRecords: List<ExtraFieldRecord>,
) {
val size: Int
get() = SIZE + nameLength.toInt() + extraFieldLength.toInt() + commentLength.toInt()
@ -32,65 +32,85 @@ internal class CentralDirectoryFileHeader(
* @return A `CentralDirectoryFileHeader`.
fun fromByteArray(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): CentralDirectoryFileHeader {
fun fromByteArray(
data: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
): CentralDirectoryFileHeader {
if (data.size - offset < SIZE) {
throw InvalidDataException("CEN must be at least 46 bytes")
val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, 46).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
if (buf.getInt().toUInt() != SIGNATURE) {
throw InvalidSignatureException("Invalid signature")
throw InvalidDataException("Invalid signature")
val extraFieldRecords = mutableListOf<ExtraFieldRecord>()
val nameLength = buf.getShort(offset + 28).toUShort()
buf.position(offset + 20)
val cen = CentralDirectoryFileHeader(
compressedSize = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
uncompressedSize = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
nameLength = nameLength
.also { buf.position(offset + 30) },
extraFieldLength = buf.getShort().toUShort(),
commentLength = buf.getShort().toUShort(),
disk = buf.getShort().toUShort()
.also { buf.position(offset + 42) },
localHeaderOffset = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
fileName = String(data.sliceArray(offset + SIZE..<offset + SIZE + nameLength.toInt())),
extraFieldRecords = extraFieldRecords
val cen =
compressedSize = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
uncompressedSize = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
nameLength =
.also { buf.position(offset + 30) },
extraFieldLength = buf.getShort().toUShort(),
commentLength = buf.getShort().toUShort(),
disk =
.also { buf.position(offset + 42) },
localHeaderOffset = buf.getInt().toUInt(),
fileName = String(data.sliceArray(offset + SIZE..<offset + SIZE + nameLength.toInt())),
extraFieldRecords = extraFieldRecords,
if (data.size - offset < cen.size) {
throw InvalidDataException("CEN is too short")
// Parse extra field records
val extraFieldsBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(
data, offset + SIZE + cen.nameLength.toInt(), cen.extraFieldLength.toInt()
val extraFieldsBuf =
offset + SIZE + cen.nameLength.toInt(),
while (extraFieldsBuf.remaining() > 0) {
val id = extraFieldsBuf.getShort().toUShort()
val size = extraFieldsBuf.getShort().toUShort()
extraFieldRecords.add(when (id) {
Zip64ExtraFieldRecord.ID -> {
if (cen.uncompressedSize == 0xffffffffU) {
} else null,
if (cen.compressedSize == 0xffffffffU) {
} else null,
if (cen.localHeaderOffset == 0xffffffffU) {
} else null,
if (cen.disk == 0xffffU.toUShort()) {
} else null
else -> {
extraFieldsBuf.position(extraFieldsBuf.position() + size.toInt())
ExtraFieldRecord(id, size)
when (id) {
Zip64ExtraFieldRecord.ID -> {
if (cen.uncompressedSize == 0xffffffffU) {
} else {
if (cen.compressedSize == 0xffffffffU) {
} else {
if (cen.localHeaderOffset == 0xffffffffU) {
} else {
if (cen.disk == 0xffffU.toUShort()) {
} else {
else -> {
extraFieldsBuf.position(extraFieldsBuf.position() + size.toInt())
ExtraFieldRecord(id, size)
return cen

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import java.nio.ByteOrder
* Represents a partial ZIP64 end of central directory locator.
internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(
val endOfCentralDirectory64Offset: ULong
val endOfCentralDirectory64Offset: ULong,
) {
companion object {
const val SIGNATURE = 0x07064b50U
const val SIZE = 20
* Create `EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator` from raw byte data.
* @throws InvalidDataException Provided `ByteArray` is not a supported EOCD locator.
@ -20,13 +21,16 @@ internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(
* @return A `EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator`.
fun fromByteArray(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator {
fun fromByteArray(
data: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
): EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator {
if (data.size - offset < SIZE) {
throw InvalidDataException("EOCD64 locator must be at least 20 bytes")
val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, SIZE).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
if (buf.getInt().toUInt() != SIGNATURE) {
throw InvalidSignatureException("Invalid signature")
throw InvalidDataException("Invalid signature")
buf.position(offset + 8)
return EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(buf.getLong().toULong())

View File

@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import java.nio.ByteOrder
* Represents a partial ZIP end of central directory record.
internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(
val centralDirectoryOffset: UInt
val centralDirectoryOffset: UInt,
) {
fun eocd64Required(): Boolean =
centralDirectoryOffset == 0xffffffffU
fun eocd64Required(): Boolean = centralDirectoryOffset == 0xffffffffU
companion object {
const val SIGNATURE = 0x06054b50U
const val SIZE = 22
* Create `EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord` from raw byte data.
* @throws InvalidDataException Provided `ByteArray` is not a supported EOCD64.
@ -23,17 +23,20 @@ internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(
* @return A `EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord`.
fun fromByteArray(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord {
fun fromByteArray(
data: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
): EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord {
if (data.size - offset < SIZE) {
throw InvalidDataException("EOCD must be at least 22 bytes")
val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, SIZE).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
if (buf.getInt().toUInt() != SIGNATURE) {
throw InvalidSignatureException("Invalid signature")
throw InvalidDataException("Invalid signature")
buf.position(offset + 16)
return EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(
centralDirectoryOffset = buf.getInt().toUInt()
centralDirectoryOffset = buf.getInt().toUInt(),

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import java.nio.ByteOrder
* Represents a partial ZIP64 end of central directory record.
internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64(
val centralDirectoryOffset: ULong
val centralDirectoryOffset: ULong,
) {
companion object {
const val SIGNATURE = 0x06064b50U
const val SIZE = 56
* Create `EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64` from raw byte data.
* @throws InvalidDataException Provided `ByteArray` is not a supported EOCD.
@ -20,17 +21,20 @@ internal class EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64(
* @return A `EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64`.
fun fromByteArray(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64 {
fun fromByteArray(
data: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
): EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64 {
if (data.size - offset < SIZE) {
throw InvalidDataException("EOCD64 must be at least 56 bytes")
val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, SIZE).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
if (buf.getInt().toUInt() != SIGNATURE) {
throw InvalidSignatureException("Invalid signature")
throw InvalidDataException("Invalid signature")
buf.position(offset + 48)
return EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord64(
centralDirectoryOffset = buf.getLong().toULong()
centralDirectoryOffset = buf.getLong().toULong(),

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package ziputils
* Represents an invalid raw byte data exception.
class InvalidDataException(message: String): Exception(message)
* Represents an invalid raw byte signature exception.
class InvalidSignatureException(message: String): Exception(message)

View File

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ package ziputils
internal open class ExtraFieldRecord(
val id: UShort,
val size: UShort
val size: UShort,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package ziputils
* Represents an invalid raw byte data exception.
class InvalidDataException(message: String) : Exception(message)

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ internal class Zip64ExtraFieldRecord(
val uncompressedSize: ULong?,
val compressedSize: ULong?,
val localHeaderOffset: ULong?,
val disk: UInt?
): ExtraFieldRecord(ID, size) {
val disk: UInt?,
) : ExtraFieldRecord(ID, size) {
companion object {
const val ID: UShort = 0x0001U