package backup import* import import import import import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.content.ByteStream import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.content.toInputStream import kotlinx.coroutines.* import* import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute import java.time.Instant import import import import class BackupClient( private val s3: S3Client, private val bucketName: String, private val bufSize: Int = 1024 * 1024 * 100 ) { suspend fun upload(file: File) = coroutineScope { val backupKey = "${}/${}.zip" PipedInputStream().use { inputStream -> val outputStream = PipedOutputStream(inputStream) val zipper = launch(Dispatchers.IO) { file.compressToZip(outputStream) } val data = ByteArray(bufSize) val initialRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize) if (initialRead == bufSize) { // Large upload, use multipart // TODO: multipart uploads can be asynchronous, which would improve // performance a little bit for big uploads. val upload = s3.createMultipartUpload { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey } try { val uploadParts = mutableListOf() var number = 1 var bytesRead = initialRead while (bytesRead > 0) { val part = s3.uploadPart { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey partNumber = number uploadId = upload.uploadId body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(bytesRead)) }.asCompletedPart(number) uploadParts.add(part) number++ bytesRead = inputStream.readNBytes(data, 0, bufSize) } s3.completeMultipartUpload { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey uploadId = upload.uploadId multipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload { parts = uploadParts } } } catch (e: Exception) { s3.abortMultipartUpload { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey uploadId = upload.uploadId } throw e } } else { // Small upload, use single request s3.putObject { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey body = ByteStream.fromBytes(data.take(initialRead)) } } zipper.join() // Should be instant } backupKey } suspend fun restore(destination: File, backupKey: String) = coroutineScope { val req = GetObjectRequest { bucket = bucketName key = backupKey } s3.getObject(req) { resp -> ZipInputStream(resp.body?.toInputStream() ?: throw IOException("S3 response is missing body")).use { zipStream -> } } } } private fun UploadPartResponse.asCompletedPart(number: Int): CompletedPart { val part = this return CompletedPart { partNumber = number eTag = part.eTag checksumSha256 = part.checksumSha256 checksumSha1 = part.checksumSha1 checksumCrc32 = part.checksumCrc32 checksumCrc32C = part.checksumCrc32C } } private fun ByteArray.take(n: Int) = if (n == size) this // No copy else asList().subList(0, n).toByteArray() // TODO: One copy (toByteArray()), not sure how to do 0 copies here private fun File.compressToZip(outputStream: OutputStream) = ZipOutputStream(outputStream).use { zipStream -> val parentDir = this.absoluteFile.parent + "/" val fileQueue = ArrayDeque() fileQueue.add(this) fileQueue.forEach { subFile -> val path = subFile.absolutePath.removePrefix(parentDir) val subFiles = subFile.listFiles() if (subFiles != null) { // Is a directory val entry = ZipEntry("$path/") setZipAttributes(entry, subFile.toPath()) zipStream.putNextEntry(entry) fileQueue.addAll(subFiles) } else { // Otherwise, treat it as a file BufferedInputStream(subFile.inputStream()).use { origin -> val entry = ZipEntry(path) setZipAttributes(entry, subFile.toPath()) zipStream.putNextEntry(entry) origin.copyTo(zipStream) } } } } private fun ZipInputStream.decompressToDirectory(directory: Path, bufSize: Int = 1024 * 1024) { var entry = this.nextEntry while (entry != null) { val path = directory.resolve( if (entry.isDirectory) { path.createDirectory() } else { val buf = ByteArray(bufSize) path.toFile().outputStream().use { fileStream -> var bytesRead = while (bytesRead > 0) { fileStream.write(buf, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = } } } applyZipAttributes(entry, path) entry = this.nextEntry } } private fun setZipAttributes(entry: ZipEntry, path: Path) { try { val attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, entry.setCreationTime(attrs.creationTime()) entry.setLastModifiedTime(attrs.lastModifiedTime()) entry.setLastAccessTime(attrs.lastAccessTime()) } catch (_: IOException) { } } private fun applyZipAttributes(entry: ZipEntry, path: Path) { try { val attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, attrs.setTimes(entry.lastModifiedTime, entry.lastAccessTime, entry.creationTime) } catch (_: IOException) { } }