plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.21" id("org.jmailen.kotlinter") version "4.1.0" id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "1.9.10" `maven-publish` } group = "net.koval.teamcity-build-step-extension-test-task" version = System.getenv("FILESYSTEM_VERSION") repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { testImplementation(kotlin("test")) } tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() } kotlin { jvmToolchain(11) } val dokkaHtml by tasks.getting(org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask::class) val javadocJar: TaskProvider by tasks.registering(Jar::class) { dependsOn(dokkaHtml) archiveClassifier.set("javadoc") from(dokkaHtml.outputDirectory) } publishing { publications.register("gpr") { artifactId = "filesystem" from(components["java"]) artifact(javadocJar) pom { name.set("TeamCity Kotlin Script build step extension library - Test Task - test filesystem") description.set("This is a small project to make a very basic filesystem library in Kotlin and was" + "created using the instructions below as part of my application to the JetBrains internship project" + "\"TeamCity Kotlin Script build step extension library\".") url.set("") developers { developer { id.set("cyclane") name.set("Gleb Koval") email.set("") } } scm { url.set("") } } } repositories { maven { name = "Gitea" url = uri("") credentials { username = System.getenv("GITEA_USERNAME") password = System.getenv("GITEA_TOKEN") } } } }