version: "3" services: app: image: fireflyiii/core:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - firefly_iii_upload:/var/www/html/storage/upload env_file: .env ports: - 80:8080 depends_on: - db db: image: mariadb:lts restart: unless-stopped env_file: .env volumes: - firefly_iii_db:/var/lib/mysql importer: image: fireflyiii/data-importer:latest restart: unless-stopped ports: - 81:8080 depends_on: - app env_file: .importer.env cron: # # To make this work, set STATIC_CRON_TOKEN in your .env file or as an environment variable and replace REPLACEME below # The STATIC_CRON_TOKEN must be *exactly* 32 characters long # image: alpine restart: unless-stopped env_file: .env command: sh -c "echo \"0 3 * * * wget -qO- http://app:8080/api/v1/cron/$STATIC_CRON_TOKEN\" | crontab - && crond -f -L /dev/stdout" volumes: firefly_iii_upload: firefly_iii_db: