# wasm-pack plugin This is a drone/woodpecker plugin for building and publishing wasm-pack packages. When using this plugin it is best to pull every time since it can be updated often internally. ## Settings - `actions` (required): Actions (see below) to run - `folder`: Project folder - `scope`: NPM package scope ### Build - `profile` (default=`release`): Build profile to use for `wasm-pack build` - `target` (default=`bundler`): Target to build for - `make`: Optionally run a make target building ### Test (No options) ### Publish - `username` (required): NPM registry username - `token` (required): NPM registry auth token (secret recommended) - `registry` (default=`https://registry.npmjs.org`): NPM registry to publish to ## Example Taken from [wasm-o-x-rust.yml](../../.woodpecker/wasm-o-x-rust.yml) ```yaml pipeline: build and publish: image: git.koval.net/cyclane/game-algorithms/wasm-pack-plugin pull: true settings: actions: build,publish folder: wasm/o-x-rust scope: game-algorithms username: cyclane token: from_secret: DEPLOY_TOKEN registry: https://git.koval.net/api/packages/cyclane/npm/ ```