# Advent of Code 2023 Not really going for points here, just for fun :). I'll probably try to vary languages a bit to get some variety. ## Notes - I try not to use regex if I can help it (regex kinda takes the fun out of it and is harder to optimise if you are actually going for performance). - Solutions are tidied up _a bit_, but not a lot. So this is definitely nowhere close being elegant code in a lot of cases. ## Solutions ### [Day 1](day1/) **Language**: Python 3.12 (generics used) ### [Day 2](day2/) **Language**: Python 3 ### [Day 3](day3/) **Language**: TypeScript (Deno) **Note**: This one was re-written because what I initially wrote belongs on [r/programminghorror](https://www.reddit.com/r/programminghorror/). ### [Day 4](day4/) **Language**: Golang ### [Day 5](day5/) **Language**: Kotlin **Note**: Here begin the optimisations! (some people got away with brute force, I decided not to even go there). ### [Day 6](day6/) **Language**: Haskell ### [Day 7](day7/) **Language**: JavaScript (Node) **Note**: Yes, I used JSDoc for type-hints. But I think only insane people use JavaScript without JSDoc. ### [Day 8](day8/) **Language**: Bash **Note**: Here begin languages I'm not great at.